1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook
Wynnum Branch members Carol Corless came across a scrap book in 2007 that detailed a relationship that grew in the mid 1960s between ALP and Norwegian Labour members
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'window' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'window'
This image is from a scrapbook that was sent to women members of the Qld ALP by members of a Norwegian Women's Group (kvinnegrupper)
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'parliament' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'parliament'
This page of the scrapbook shows the representation of women in the Norwegian Labour Party in the 1960s. Highlighted in the bottom corner is Margit Tøsdal who encouraged international contact between women.
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'Labour' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'Labour'
This page of the scrapbook describes the structues and history of the Norwegian Labour Party
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'child welfare' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'child welfare'
This page of the scrapbook describes the child welfare system that was in place in Norway in the mid 1960s
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'woman's hand' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'woman's hand'
As part of the exchange of scrapbooks that developed, many women shared works of art and culture. On this page you can see some elegant pieces of handcraft.
1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'happy new year' 1965 Norwegian Women's scrapbook 'happy new year'
Accroding to Carol Corless it appears that a number of scrapbooks were exchanged between the Lilleaker Kretslags Kvinnegruppe and the Wynnum Women’s Branch. The one highlighted here is from 1965.
ALP 1916 Anti-Conscription poster ALP 1916 Anti-Conscription poster
The Conscription referendum bitterly divided the ALP. This is an example of the material used to advocated for a 'No' vote.
JF 1949 Chifley in Caucus with Calwell, Dedman, Duthie and Fuller JF 1949 Chifley in Caucus with Calwell, Dedman, Duthie and Fuller
Chifley entering a caucus before the 1949 Federal election. Whilst Chifley seems in high spirits his government was facing a serious challenge from the recently formed Liberal Party led by the former conservative Prime Minister Robert Menzies.
MC First Meeting Australian Labour Federation Qld MC First Meeting Australian Labour Federation Qld
First General Council meeting of the Australian Labor Federation, held Brisbane 1st August 1890.
JF 1940s Chifley and HV Evatt JF 1940s Chifley and HV Evatt
HV "Doc" Evatt was Chifley's External Affairs Minister and Attorney General. After the war Evatt played a significant role in the establishment of the United Nations and Declaration of Human Rights. He also became the UN's first President of the General Assembly in 1948.
JF 1940s Hotel Kurrajong JF 1940s Hotel Kurrajong
The Hotel Kurrajong became the accommodation of choice for Labor parliamentarians until the 1970s. Remarking on Chifley's heavy workload, then Prime Minister Curtin issued a mock National Security Regulation ordering Chifley to consume "one plate of soup, one helping of meat and vegetables and one dessert nightly at the Hotel Kurrajong".
JF 1949 Chifley in Caucus with Calwell, Dedman, Duthie and Fuller JF 1949 Chifley in Caucus with Calwell, Dedman, Duthie and Fuller
Chifley entering a caucus before the 1949 Federal election. Whilst Chifley seems in high spirits his government was facing a serious challenge from the recently formed Liberal Party led by the former conservative Prime Minister Robert Menzies.
JF 1949 Chifley Ministry 1946-1949 JF 1949 Chifley Ministry 1946-1949
The election of Chifley's first ministry after the 1946 election took seven caucus ballots to finalise. After that tumultuous exercise in party democracy, the Chifley ministry remained quite stable and changes predominantly resulted from retirements rather than caucus intrigue.
NAA 1946 Chifley Berrima NAA 1946 Chifley Berrima
This photo shows Prime Minister Ben Chifley in Berrima during the 1946 Federal Election campaign. The Chifley government was elected in a land-slide on the back of a campaign on building prosperity.
NAA 1946 Chifley, Evatt Dominion Conference NAA 1946 Chifley, Evatt Dominion Conference
This photo shows Prime Minister Chifley in discussion with Deputy Prime Minister Evatt and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee.
NAA 1946 Chifley, HC Coombs, London NAA 1946 Chifley, HC Coombs, London
In 1946 Chifley attended many meetings and conferences around the world representing Australia in the discussions surrounding post-war reconstruction. Aiding Chifley was his confidant and Director-General of the Department of Post-war Reconstruction H.C "Nugget" Coombs, Australia's most experienced public servant.
NAA 1946 Second Chifley Ministry NAA 1946 Second Chifley Ministry
This is a portrait of the 1946 Chifley ministry which was elected in a land-slide on a platform of ensuring prosperity for returned soldiers and their families. Labor won with almost 50% of the primary vote.
NAA 1947 Chifley, Field Marshall Montgomery NAA 1947 Chifley, Field Marshall Montgomery
Due to his role in cabinet during the Second World War, Chifley became acquainted with numerous Allied leaders, both civilian and military. Chifley is seen here with British Field Marshall Montgomery in 1947.
NAA 1947 Chifley new migrants NAA 1947 Chifley new migrants
The Chifley government implemented a significant immigration program which saw the arrival of thousands of new migrants. This policy was administered by future Labor leader Arthur Calwell who is also pictured.
NAA 1947 Chifley with new migrant NAA 1947 Chifley with new migrant
Chifley is photographed with one of Australia's new migrants; Arthur Calwell is standing to the left of Chifley.
AA 1948 Chifley First Holden AA 1948 Chifley First Holden
Creating local manufacturing industries was central to the Chifley government's reconstruction program. A significant part of this was the creation of a local car manufacturing sector.
NAA 1948 Chifley Parliament House NAA 1948 Chifley Parliament House
Known as a defender of the positive role of positive government action in society, Chifley took great pride in his work in Parliament. He is seen here out the front of (Old) Parliament House.
NAA 1949 anti bank nationalisation 1 NAA 1949 anti bank nationalisation 1
Chifley's plans the nationalise the private banking industry were met with a vicious conservative backlash.
NLA 1930s Chifley Portrait NLA 1930s Chifley Portrait
Chifley was first elected to Federal Parliament for the seat of Macquarie in 1928. In 1929 the Nationalist government fell and Chifley under Scullin entered government.
NLA Chifley with Ingrid Bergman NLA Chifley with Ingrid Bergman
Chifley, known for his warmth and good nature, entertains Swedish star of Casablanca Ingrid Bergman.
ALP 1977 Bob Hawke ad In 1977 Labor campaigned under the slogan 'Get Australia Working'. Here Bob Hawke talks up the industrial relations credentials of Labor
ALP 1977 Neville Wran endorsement ALP 1977 Neville Wran endorsement
Labor utilised its state based talent to promote its policies in the 1977 election.